Slippin backwards then movin forwards

Hey guys! Once again my internet has been out of control (and by out of control I mean nonexistent/not working at all). That would be the reason why I wasn’t able to post yesterday, but……I’m back today and…I’m back with the giveaway winners 🙂

I used a random number generator to pick the winners so it was super fair 🙂 Here they are…




Congrats girlies…just send your mailing address to me at and I’ll get your coupons out right away 🙂

For everyone else that entered…don’t be too sad because I’ll have another giveaway coming up very very soon 🙂

Ok, now onto today’s post. Today will be a little different than normal. I have no pictures of eats to share with you guys (that will be back tomorrow though :))

We all know by now that while in Europe I indulged and over indulged on all kinds of yummy treats. And while I’m soooo happy that I did (it was truly a once in a lifetime experience) I had a real eye opener today about the after effects of all those indulgences. It also doesn’t help that the past two days I have been stress eating like no other about this weekend’s move to Richmond.

A month ago, I was in really good shape and could run long distances no problem. I could also tackle any of the p90x workouts and felt really great about the progress I had made in both strength and endurance.

Well…I started p90x again today and let’s just say…it I was a disaster. The moves that used to be easy to me I now found myself seriously struggling through. I became so frustrated with myself, that I had a little bit of a nervy b (nervous breakdown). I know it may sound silly to some of you guys, but I just couldn’t believe that all of my hard work to get to a fitness level that I was really happy with was gone…wiped out in 1 month. This realization on top of the fact that I definitely gained more weight than I am comfortable with was just too much for me to handle.

Today, I just felt hopeless. Hopeless that I will never get back to where I was. Now I know that that is just ridiculous to even think and I know that I can work hard again to get to where I was, but it just felt like it was useless.

So here is the game plan…I’m letting myself wallow today (we all need a little wallow time now and again), but that’s it. Tomorrow is a new day and I’m gonna work extra hard to reach my pre-Europe fitness and healthy/comfortable weight level. I’m going to count calories, at least for a little while, just so I can see where I’m at. When I get back on track, I’ll def stop because I don’t want to go through life counting calories like I used to, but I do think it is a helpful tool when a person wants to find where they are going wrong in their diet. I don’t plan on restricting my calories because I need the fuel for my workouts (and let’s face it, I’m a hungry girl and looove my food :)), but I want to make sure that I’m not overeating.

I’m also going to keep on running because A) I want to get back to my old endurance level and B) running keeps me sane. You guys might also hear me complaining about soreness and how much I hate Tony more often because I’m planning on doing p90x everyday (hopefully through to the end).

I wanted to let you all in on how I was feeling today so that you can see that everyone has THOSE kind of days. We all feel hopeless, down, and just plain bad about ourselves sometimes. The important thing is is that we pick ourselves up and don’t let those negative thoughts control our lives. This is something I still struggle with, but I’m using this experience as a way to help me deal with those feelings in a more healthy and constructive way. We have the power to change anything we don’t like…and that’s exactly what Im gonna do 🙂

Question of the Day: Have you all ever let yourself slip backwards in any aspect of your lives? How did you all help yourself get over any negative feelings you may have had about yourself for that slip?

naturally yours,





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8 responses to “Slippin backwards then movin forwards

  1. I actually won! Haha, I just sent you an email. Thanks again!

    And I went through a total rewind with my health and fitness when I studied abroad for 3 1/2 months in London. I ate and drank too much, the only walking I got was walking around the various cities I visited and I came back home not knowing how to get back to where I was before I left! Thankfully, after adopting exercising and running again along with clean eating I am at a better place than I ever have been. So don’t fret, you’ll get back in the swing of things and be able to look back at your trip with only good memories!

  2. movesnmunchies

    oh my gosh YES.. i have before a few times and lemme tell ya.. its hard at first but its worth it becuz I learned so much rfrom it.. i learned a lot more about my body and howi want to treat it for the future… while its hard to slip backwards and accept it.. it really does push you even further forwards! u will be fine 🙂

  3. Girl, you’ll be fine dont worry! A couple of weeks back into your routine, I’m sure you’ll see the weight come off and your fitness level increase.

    At least you enjoyed Europe, no carb left behind 🙂

    • Thanks gina 🙂 I def left no carb behind lol And I hope you’re right about getting back to my routine. I need to stop focusing in what I’ve lost and start concentrating on what I have to gain 🙂

  4. Ah I’m stoked to try the spread, thanks!!

    I know it is extremely frustrating right now, but think of how much of an advantage you have this time around. When you were getting fit the first time, you were learning all about what your new body needed (rest, fuel, stretching). This time, you are going in with that knowledge. You won’t have to second guess what amount of food is enough to fuel you, or whether or not you should push through. It’ll all be hard, but at least it’s old hat! You can do it 😉

    And if you ever need to vent, I’m here! I’ll be going through the same thing once I’m actually allowed to run again. I’ve taken 2 months off, am having surgery on Tuesday, and will be out another 3 months after that! Talk about starting from ground zero, ouch.

    • WOW Morgan!! Thank you so much…you def motivvated me to keep on trucking 🙂 I hope everything goes well for you with your surgery! I’m sure you will do amazing and have a super speedy recovery! We can both vent to each other, motivate one another, and help try and keep our positive attitudes 🙂 Thanks girl 🙂

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